Revised Edition


If you are one of the many who bought my book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Rainbow eBooks and have noticed a lot of errors, please feel free to redownload the file because I have corrected all of the errors.  Well, all of the errors that I recognized to be errors.

I spent the last 3 days re-reading the book to find and fix the typos and grammatical errors.  I seriously have no idea how that even happened because I thought it was finished, otherwise I wouldn’t have published it when I did.  Thank goodness Chip caught a few of the errors when I got the proof book on Wednesday.  There was one error that I wouldn’t have even caught if I didn’t read it again, the page numbers on one side of one of the chapters, I believe it was chapter 11 was missing.  I don’t know how I missed that lol.  He also noticed some redundancy issues in the description on the back of the book which I had to fix in Gimp.

I was glad that I found the errors and fixed them because I didn’t want the paper version to have the errors.  I mean, e-book errors are one thing because they can be downloaded again, but a paper book is forever.  You cannot update a paper book.

I don’t know if the Nook and/or Kindle will automatically update the ebook for you, but I do know that the files from Rainbow eBooks will have to be downloaded again.  I would send out an email if I knew who downloaded the book, but I don’t so I only hope that you are going to my website and are reading this right now.

Thanks for your purchase.

Edit: Rainbow eBooks files have been updated, the Nook and Kindle files may take 12-24 hours.  Check in at Noon on Sunday…

Edit: The Nook file on the B&N website and the Kindle file on the Amazon website have been updated.  However, it will not update on your Nook or Kindle automatically.  If you want to receive the update, you will have to delete it and download it again.  Here is a quote from the FAQ section:

“If you replace your NOOK Book file, customers who have already purchased and downloaded your NOOK Book will not have the NOOK Book replaced on their devices. If they delete and re-download your NOOK Book, or if they download the NOOK Book for the first time to a new device, they will receive the updated file.”

I can only assume this would be the same for the Kindle.  Again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you, but it is worth it if you have found errors that drive you as crazy as it has driven me.

I tried to delete an e-book from my Nook that I bought in the Nook store but there wasn’t an option to delete.  So maybe you are wondering how you can delete a book if your Kindle or Nook won’t let you.  Perhaps you can plug your device into your computer so you can view the files.  Find where the e-books are that you paid for and delete mine.  When you unplug it, go into your library where your paid books are and have it check for new content.  It will find my book and download the updated version.  I hope this helps.

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